Headline Post

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Love of Ceramics

I'm currently enrolled in Ceramics I and I enjoy this class. I've learned a lot in the past 3 weeks that I will take with me later in life when I become an Art Teacher (preferably elementary). My Professor is awesome and very down to earth, not to be confused with a push over of any means. I'm taking ceramics at Lone Star Community College system. I'm in a bit of a problem though. In May of 2003 I was involved in a 18-wheeler car accident that has injured me in numerous ways. I'm very sad to say that I'm going to have to leave this class due to the medical problems caused by this accident. I'm very upset, but I will strive to fix and heal myself to join my passion again. Hopefully, my Professor will let me leave the class with an incomplete and not a withdraw, which will hurt me in the long run. Last semester I thought I could overcome my "handicaps" and I wasn't able to, so I withdrew from my classes leaving me on academic probation. I don't believe that is right considering I wasn't leaving due to the lack of grades, participation, or just the want not to go to class. I was penalized for being handicapped. I feel like this semester with my "new illness'" I will be penalized again by being put on probation or suspension. If you are a lover of the arts and want to take classes that are physically demanding and you aren't physically "up to par" I wouldn't suggest taking classes like this until you are well enough to get through them all the way.

Thanks for listening to me...and keep the Arts alive!!

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